Other ANSPs around the world are already starting to reap the benefits that digital facilities can deliver. In April 2021, London City became the first major airport to be controlled by a remote digital towerOpen a new window. Here in Canada, we are learning from the experiences of other countries' ANSPs and considering their findings when developing our long-term strategy alongside our employees.
While the implementation of digital facilities is a complex undertaking that won't be completed quickly, work to lay the foundation is well underway. In June 2021, following a successful trial, NAV CANADA obtained approval from Transport Canada to continue using digital facility technology at Saint John FSS. This enhancement allows for the provision of aerodrome advisory service (AAS) for Fredericton International Airport (CYFC) from the Saint John FSS during the hours previously served by remote aerodrome advisory services (RAAS). This is the first airport in Canada to be served by digital aerodrome air traffic services (DAATS) beyond a trial basis and is a significant milestone in our future strategy for digital facilities.