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NAV CANADA rolled out a series of updates to NAV DroneOpen a new window this week, providing drone pilots and operators with greater situational awareness and increased freedom to fly where and when they wish. The enhancements include a new micro drone category of operations for drones weighing less than 250 grams, improved validation states, enhanced flight zone constraints, greater app stability, self-serve options, and the ability to add pilot certificate and drone registration information in the mobile app.

All Apple and Android NAV Drone users are now able to upgrade to the latest version of the mobile app. NAV Drone Web users are also able to access the new features.

“These updates are a direct result of the reviews and feedback we have been receiving on NAV Drone,” says Alan Chapman, Director of Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) Traffic Management at NAV CANADA. “As an increasing number of drone pilots and operators use NAV Drone every day, the application is evolving to meet the changing needs of Canada’s drone community and airspace.”  

With the addition of the new micro drone category of operations, professional and recreational drone pilots now have the ability to easily plan and schedule flights, review important airspace information, and request permission to fly in NAV CANADA controlled airspace. While micro drone pilots don’t need to register their drone or get a drone pilot certificate to fly them, there is an expectation that micro drone pilots use good judgment, identify potential hazards, and take all necessary steps to avoid any risks associated with flying their drones.

NAV Drone is now available for free on the Apple App StoreOpen a new window and the Google Play StoreOpen a new window. A web version is also available on NAV CANADA’s website.